Fantasy Music 1985 2017-08-18T12:36:03+00:00

Project Description

Doorway to fantasy music

I saw a photograph of this in a magazine and was mesmerised by it.  Something about it drew me in.  It stilled me and I wanted to draw it.

At the time I was accompanying Mum to an evening art class, where I worked on this and struggled with the perspective.  No matter how hard I tried it just wasn’t making sense.  Mum and the art teacher tried to help me.  One evening the teacher realised what the problem was.  The photograph wasn’t as it seemed.  It was actually comprised of a montage of images cleverly put together.  It was this anomaly that created the fantasy, dreamlike quality.

This was drawn with coloured pencils and ink.

So it is no mistake that this drawing is a mishmash of opposing angles.  Mum loved it, I still love it and my husband and children love it too.

Not for sale, but print available upon request. Contact Us

Project Details
